A Note about My Roasting Process:
For those of you who are familiar with roasting: I take the Light Roast through the end of the first crack (City Roast to City Plus Roast); I take the Medium Roast to the verge of the second crack, maybe a few cracks into it (Full City to Full City Plus); I take the Dark Roast to the point that the second crack is under way (Vienna Roast). I do not roast to the French Roast level or beyond. |
A Note about Roast Levels:
Green beans and under-roasted beans are very sour to the taste. As they are roasted, the beans begin to develop flavors that are peculiar to their own inherent qualities. However, there is a point when the roast level begins to infuence the taste beyond the inherent qualities and a "burnt" flavor begins to develop as the sugars in the bean carmelize. As the roast continues, that burnt flavor increases until the beans reach the point at which they loose all of their inherent varietal characteristics. Beans roasted to this level will also exhibit an oily sheen, because oils rise to the surface of the bean as the roast intensifies. At that point, any bean roasted to that level, no matter what the origin or cultivar, will taste the same. This is why Roy's Roast stops at Vienna Roast (Dark Roast). For any roast taken beyond this point the bean choice is irrelevant and a specialty-grade bean is not needed. If you truly want to experience the flavor of the particular cultivar or origin of coffee, I recommend a Light Roast. If you like a hint of carmelized flavor, then you might try the Medium Roast. For a slightly charred flavor, order the Dark Roast. |